Podere La Rocca menu
Greedily Tuscan
So we like to define dishes on our menu, in which you can find the classics of regional cuisine both meat and fish but not only.
We will surprise you with recipes always fresh and tasty.
Our wines
Together with food they are a fundamental part of the gastronomic experience that you can have at Podere La Rocca.
In our restaurant you can taste the wines of Podere La Rocca, here the Sangiovese grape variety is the master and is combined in different ways to produce wines such as Rosso di Montepulciano DOC, Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG and Nobile Riserva DOCG.
These wines come from about 50 hectares of vineyards owned by La Rocca family.
In addition to our wines on the list you can find a careful selection of labels including organic labels from all over Tuscany, expression of different areas and territories.
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